Aries Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
You’re willing to go along with someone else’s idea now because you can see the wisdom in adopting a more methodical approach. Without the involvement of others, you might just rush ahead — thinking you can make decisions on the fly. You are thankful that a coworker actually created a step-by-step plan. Although your creativity lights the spark, sometimes it really does take a village to keep the fire going. Malcolm X said, “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Taurus Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
You could fall in love with something as ethereal as a rainbow today. Its beauty is not in question, but the practicality of this love is non-existent. It’s not wise to make any impulsive commitments now, since you’re all too willing to overlook faults you might consider a deal-breaker on another day. Your key planet Venus is receiving strong support from karmic Saturn, empowering your common sense. Keep in mind that long-term satisfaction always wins over transient pleasure.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
You might have thought you were close to escape velocity, only to discover reality is going to restrain you for a while longer. Only you know how much work you’ve already completed, but you’re probably closer to your goal than you realize. Like it or not, today is all about hard work. Luckily, you can find mental satisfaction participating in mundane activities now. There’s no reason to complicate your efforts by leaving tasks incomplete. Katharine Hepburn quipped, “It’s not what you start in life, it’s what you finish.”
Cancer Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
You’re so hopeful that your hard work and dedication will be rewarded with a promotion or a raise that you go the extra mile in all that you do today. Although the ambitious Venus-Saturn trine grounds your 6th House of Efficiency and your 10th House of Career, this practical aspect influences more than your current work habits. Whatever you seek in life is worth your time now. But don’t get discouraged if success seems far off. When you master patience, you master everything else, too.
Leo Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
Your heart is set on taking a long-awaited vacation. You may have chosen an exotic location that now seems out of reach. However, changing your mind is a bad idea; it’s not time to admit defeat and give up on your dream. In fact, the cosmos is inviting you to improve your current plans instead of throwing them away. You are one of the lucky people that gets to attend a magical event of your own creation. A work of art was once a work in progress.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
You intuitively know just what to do, but you’re not adhering to any kind of schedule today. Preparation is currently a state of mind. It’s not about winning now; simply remain open and show up. Others are busy figuring out their next steps, leaving you to your own devices. Demonstrate your courage, throw down your crutches, and follow your internal GPS. It’s never too late to meet your destiny halfway and then change it.
Libra Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
The tables are pleasantly turned today and it seems as if everyone is being extra nice to you. In fact, there’s a hint of love in the air and there may be more going on now than what you see. If you’re interested in romancing a special person, be certain to ascertain their feelings before you move too fast with your own. Nevertheless, it’s really not complicated; just don’t waste energy lost in self-analysis when you can share your thoughts with someone else. Rumi wrote, “Reason is powerless in the expression of Love.”
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
You might worry about something you did in the past that possibly alienated someone. Now, you have a rare chance to readdress the issue so you can heal the rift and let it go. But it’s not helpful to simply stab in the dark as you tell your personal story, hoping it will straighten out any misunderstandings. Instead, take the most pragmatic path possible; people aren’t interested in idealistic thinking unless it produces tangible results. A sensitive soul sees the world through the lens of love.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
You appear as if you’re emotionally reserved today, but you’re actually calculating your chances for success. Your mind is focused on one particular person and you quickly brush everyone else off. You can’t wait to reveal your heart because you think there is a special connection between the two of you. But deepening an involvement is a tricky process. Sprinting for the finish line prematurely signals your intentions and could even scare the other person away. Swami Vivekananda said, “Nothing else is necessary but these: love, sincerity and patience.”
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
You are among the calmest people in the world, but your appearance doesn’t speak your whole truth today. Actually, your desires are powerful and you intuitively know they are still strengthening under the surface. Put your feelings on hold for three or four days until the high-strung energy has rippled on through. Although waiting for a good idea to mature makes sense in theory, it might be impossible in real life. You are free to make your choices but you are not free to choose the consequences.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
Your network of friends and coworkers might demand more from you today, and you don’t like the idea of being held in check. Fortunately, you understand that their advice comes from a place of love and that it’s probably good for you in the long run. Although you’re still tempted to resist, change your attitude from defensive to collaborative since the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Working in harmony with your peers leads to personal success.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Thursday – Jun 01, 2017
You want to get ahead in your profession, regardless of how much actual work is on your plate today. The good news is you can put yourself in line for a raise or a promotion, but the bad news is you can’t ask for either just yet. You must dance the dance of self-discipline now, for every one of your actions carries extra weight. Buddhist teacher Sakyong Mipham wrote, “Like gravity, karma is so basic we don’t even notice it.”