You’re taking steps to improve and organize your relationships. Though there’s more work ahead, you’ll see positive shifts. Today, expect support from your circle. Those who matter will stand by you.

Resilience is your strength today. You can overcome minor health hurdles with ease. Focus on maintaining a positive mindset, and remember, a good night’s sleep is a healer.

Communication is key today. On a new date, it’s not just about the topics discussed, but the allure in their voice that captures your attention.

“We must be willing to get rid of
the life we’ve planned, so as to have
the life that is waiting for us.

The old skin has to be shed
before the new one can come.

If we fix on the old, we get stuck.
When we hang onto any form,
we are in danger of putrefaction.

Hell is life drying up.”

Colors of the day : Turquoise, Indigo
Lucky Numbers of the day : 1, 4
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : F, S
Cosmic Tip : Your smallest act can be a colossal force for change.
Tips for Singles : Accept that some relationships are seasonal.
Tips for Couples : Celebrate love’s journey, with its crescendos and pauses.

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