Dear Gemini, today will be a good day. You will be overthinking like usual but you will have incredible support from your friends and family to pull you out from the overthinking abyss and push you into the sky. You will be wanting to finish all the work that has been piled on you for days be it washing your clothes or going out grocery shopping. You will spend the entire day smiling, that’s an astrological promise!
Dear Gemini you need to take care of your health. Hearing too much of what others think of you will not and will never help your mental health hitting that balance point where calm and joy are readily available. Try to cut out on junk if you have been eating too much of it as it is giving you gastric issues. Focus on yourself and try to watch out your thoughts on how much you focus on other people’s opinions based on you.
Emotions are not a bother to you Dear Gemini but you should not forget that emotions and thoughts are directly related to one another. If you keep harboring and reminding yourself of negative thoughts, negative emotions will be produced in your system. If you keep harboring and reminding yourself of positive thoughts, positive emotions will be produced in your system. If you keep this in your mind all the time, you will know what to think and what not to think.
“Renew, release, let go. Yesterday’s gone. There’s nothing you can do to bring it back. You can’t “should’ve” done something. You can only DO something. Renew yourself. Release that attachment. Today is a new day!”
Colors of the day: Brown, White
Lucky numbers of the day: 3 and 4
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: G & H
Cosmic Tip: There are no black and white characters. Everyone falls in the middle, grey, even yourself.
Tips for Singles: Do not get ahead of yourself. Always pause.
Tips for Couples: Physical attraction isn’t everything. Mental compatibility is also important.