Mars begins its transit of your soul sector today, dear Gemini, and will visit there until the last day of March.
This cycle points to a need for rest and recuperation a time-out for sorting things out. Of course, life goes on as usual, but you may need to carve out extra space and time for a retreat of sorts now.
You may be reevaluating current plans or incubating new ones rather than going full-speed ahead with new ventures. There can be a lot to do behind the scenes, out of the public eye, or on your own.
This is not a time when you feel especially confident about asserting your desires, and you may have a hard time knowing what you want or finding a way to go after what you want. Take this time to reassess your desires and plans for best results now.
It’s a good time for doing so, even if it’s not the most glamorous Mars transit. You might decide to “go hard” with your healing activities or use this time to finish up a major project.
Past actions may catch up with you, and it’s time to handle them. Today, you might experience some decreased energy and possibly a small disappointment that requires you to make adjustments rather than going forward assertively, but you are doing some critical “work” now, even if it’s about taking a break!
A complex social tangle ensnares you and demands your attention. You’re like a gymnast as you balance so many relationships at once professional, personal, and familial.
Thankfully, you are built for this type of diversity and possess the intellectual skills needed to nimbly attend to the fast-paced changes afoot.
Stay the course, even if it seems to stretch you to your limit. Your contributions are pivotal to the maintenance of peace. Work your magic and watch the world change.
Don’t be surprised if you find that the wind has been taken out of your sails or that you are starting to eye up the weekend with a deeper longing than usual.
As Mars spends his first full day in a nostalgic, reflective but also intuitive and imaginative part of your chart, you have begun the six week wind down of your current Mars cycle.
This is preparation for Mars’ return to Gemini later next month. With the Moon already in Gemini, you are also getting a taste of things to come.
Today’s Quote:“The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”
Lucky Numbers: 17, 27, 29, 34, 45, 47
Daily Compatibility: Aries
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair