Mars begins its transit of your solar sixth house today, dear Sagittarius, and until March 31st, you’re likely to pour a lot of energy into your work or the pursuit of better health.
While all transits have their place and purpose, some of them are more comfortable than others.
This one is not ideal for Mars since it doesn’t have a clear and easy path for action when positioned at odds with your own sign, and in a general sense, asserting yourself doesn’t come especially naturally now.
Work and daily routines tend to speed up, though. You want to do things quickly, or you want to pack more things into a shorter period.
There could be difficulties working with others if tension has been brewing, but you can do your part by actively channeling excess energy into projects that move your life forward.
Today, you can experience a small dip in energy or motivation before things get better. If so, examine needs that you may have been ignoring.
Your health is a barometer for your stress levels. You may not notice any agitations in your personal life until they show up as physical ailments.
Symptoms are signals to shift your behavior and heal. Examine your situation for anything you overlooked in your zeal for harmony.
Your enthusiasm might occasionally act as a crafty diversion from having to handle tough issues. Take a breather and hunt for the root of the problem, so you can soothe the ache.
Mars is the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos and when he returns to your work sector once every other year, he kicks off some of the busiest weeks of that year.
Whether on the job front or with anything that keeps you busy or occupied, expect the pace to pick up, with Mars a planet that encourages you to make things happen and get things done.
From the get go Mars links up with planets on the income front, giving you a lucrative sense of direction from the get go, but also an awareness of where you are putting your time and energy.
Today’s Quote: “The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”
Lucky Numbers: 17, 21, 22, 28, 37, 49
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair