This is a beautiful time for enjoying enthusiasm for your projects, ideas, or plans, dear Gemini, and you’re likely to want to share this good feeling.
Talking and thinking are even more interesting than usual now, but you’re also interested in putting your plans in motion in some way as Mercury, your planetary ruler, connects with Mars, the “doer” of the planets.
This is a good time for working on projects you want to publish, or for expanding your understanding of a subject. You’re also bound to attract people through your words and ideas.
Sharing ideas can be fruitful today, with mutually beneficial agreements possible. Partnering up in some way can be rewarding especially with an open and generous spirit.
This is a time for expanding a business, idea, or relationship, and for taking an of these things to new heights.
Your professional status is not quite clear today. Part of this uncertainty is by design because you want to keep all options open.
And part of it is a mystery, even to you. Many people compete for your attention, but what happens behind the scenes is no one’s concern but your own.
A friend or partner seeks to lure you away from all the noise with promises of whisking you off to some secluded island. Ironically, this island could be the sanctuary of your own home. True refuge is a state of mind.
The year isn’t even six weeks old, yet already it is starting to diversify in a way where some smart time management might be required.
A Full Moon in 12 days’ time will put your work/life balance to the test, but this will be more a crash test, putting your home and professional lives into conflict and watching what mayhem it causes.
A far easier approach is to assume you can have it all, as the Moon starts laying the groundwork to a new wave of activity on the career front.
However, don’t create challenges where there are none, with some playful forces returning next week to help out.
Today’s Quote: “Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.”
Lucky Numbers: 13, 17, 19, 25, 39, 40
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Excellent
Business: Good