Today and tomorrow are strong for finding ways to improve and advance your projects, dear Gemini. You are more determined than usual to make things happen.

The Moon spends the day in harmony with your sign, and this adds yet another layer of warmth or confidence to your mood. Mercury moves into harmony with your sign, too, after spending a few weeks in an awkward angle to it, and it’s refreshing.

This cycle lasts longer than the Moon’s two- to three-day transit. Mercury will stick around here until February 10th, and during its transit, you’ll have a more relaxed than usual time of expressing yourself and getting your ideas across smoothly.

You enjoy positivity in your outlook, thoughts, and conversations. You embrace new ways of looking at problems as you’re tired of old rules, routines, and information.

You seek out new horizons on mental levels, and you might discover new and exciting interests.

Usual moorings may not offer the typical security today to which you’ve grown accustomed. First things first, don’t panic. Beyond your ability to cope with change, you have an uncanny talent for thriving when conditions are in flux.

The next logical step is to brainstorm some ways to make the most of being temporarily without anchor.

Adopting a resilient attitude turns this instability into a prime opportunity to make pleasing adjustments or explore new pastures. Your curiosity propels you forward.

In a case of better late than never, the holiday spirit is really starting to take hold, something that is the usual pattern of most years.

A month after Christmas and with the Sun and Mercury spending their first full day together in an adventurous part of your chart, you are finally ready to embrace a sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure.

Today’s playful lunar vibes add to a call to play hooky, just as you are finalising your needs and priorities on the job front.

Today’s Quote: “Take responsibility of your own happiness, never put it in other people’s hands.”

Lucky Numbers: 5, 13, 30, 31, 45, 47

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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