Mercury has just completed a tour through your resources sector, dear Sagittarius, and today enters your communications sector.

As the planet of communications, it feels right at home there! This cycle that lasts until February 10th comes at a good time just days after a Lunar Eclipse emotionalized these matters.

Now, you’re in an excellent position to make assessments and gain some mental clarity. This transit encourages reaching out, making connections, picking up new interests and skills, and sharing your ideas.

You can find yourself in more contact with classmates, siblings, and even neighbors during this period. Learning, teaching, studying, and conversations flow naturally now.

As Mars heads towards a harmonious aspect to your ruler, Jupiter, you’re filling up with more courage and energy. Your charisma is strong.

Talking about your aspirations might make them seem more realistic than if you leave them bottled up in your imagination.

It’s not necessary to know every little detail and nuance of how a dream will be successfully turned into a reality today.

But sharing your ideas with a trusted peer or mentor can open up a deeper level of dialogue that is helpful to both parties.

Each person is likely to walk away from this kind of intimate conversation more excited than ever about the future. Stating your intentions out aloud is the first step to manifestation.

As she moves into her final 10 days in Sagittarius, Venus has already experienced an alignment with lucky Jupiter here earlier in the week and an alliance with Mars, in a playful part of your chart.

Today it is the turn of Mars and Jupiter to come together, with the planets of luck and passion giving you the courage to not only trust but to follow your heart.

Yet this comes on a day when you also have an intellectually savvy edge, allowing you to move forward with heart and mind on the same page.

Today’s Quote: “Take responsibility of your own happiness, never put it in other people’s hands.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 11, 20, 26, 28, 37

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Fair

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