Your day is going to be auspicious for you with the blessing of Lady Luck. Her being by your side you will be able to make tidings with companies across the sea. You are feeling confident and will like to approach matters of serious concern more analytically. You will have a clearer perspective and will not make any rash decisions, Dear Gemini.
The morning can be a little difficult and you might be encountering challenging circumstances. Despite luck being on your side somehow you will be feeling a little disturbed in the morning. You might find it hard to complete the tasks that have been pending. However, as the day will progress you will be feeling confident and will be taking important and right decisions for yourself.
If there has been an impending issue or matter that needs to get closure, it is a perfect day to bring up the topic. It might not be the right time to get into a disagreement with your partner or with your loved ones. Accept the fact that changes can only take place when both parties give their mutual consent. Before forgetting anything, express your love and emotions towards the people you care about the most.
“Don’t let the expectations and opinions of other people affect your decisions. It’s your life, not theirs. Do what matters most to you; do what makes you feel alive and happy. Don’t let the expectations and ideas of others limit who you are. If you let others tell you who you are, you are living their reality — not yours. There is more to life than pleasing people. There is much more to life than following others’ prescribed path. There is so much more to life than what you experience right now. You need to decide who you are for yourself. Become a whole being. Adventure.”
Colors of the day: Orange, Pink
Lucky numbers of the day: 1, 8
Lucky alphabets you will at sync with: A, B
Cosmic Tips: Everything happens for a reason. Never forget that.
Tips for Singles: The only kind of love that you need now is self-love.
Tips for Couples: Make adequate time for your partner to avoid controversy.