Someone used to say that it was impossible for one person to be rich enough. However, today, you might think the statement is true, at least when you are referring to your friend. The person could have just gotten some extra money, and may be confused by it. Your advice may be sought, but they won’t likely follow your suggestions. It’s okay to feel guilty. You have no control over it. You can at least manage your funds.
The choices you make each day will determine the course you choose, so slow down! You don’t have to stop. It would be smart to get rid of any excess clutter, i.e. Clearing out the clutter (i.e. This can be achieved by active meditation. You can commit to practicing yoga or deep breathing exercises at least three times per week. You’ll notice that big decisions are made automatically, almost like magic.
The astral configuration of current times requires that you be alone to reflect on recent events and to gain a better understanding of your relationship. This space is essential for you to be able to calm down and center yourself. You will feel fine once you’ve regained control of your surroundings.
“Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.”
Colors of the day: Crimson, Grey
Lucky Numbers of the day: 3, 4
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: F, V
Cosmic Tip: Celebrate your achievements.
Tips for Singles: Go with the flow. and let things work themselves out
Tips for Couples: You must give more value to your relationship before it’s too late.