With the Sun and Mars forming a harmonious aspect now, dear Gemini, you want to handle problems right away rather than let them fester or grow and this is the right time to take action.
You have a wonderful sense of what people want. Fortunate connections could be made now, mainly related to life path and career goals. Your intuition tends to back up your decisions now.
This can be a time for coming to a meaningful conclusion about specific directions your life is taking, and the appropriate course of action comes to you naturally.
You are in an excellent position to make a career move or judgment that sets you on an improved path.
Being the center of attention arouses a lot of energy. Your subconscious may throw a few obstacles into the works. If you sense yourself getting testy today, check to see if you are being reactive or proactive.
If your goals are well-defined, saying no comes easily; you simply know what belongs and what doesn’t. If your objectives are unclear, however, you may have more trouble finding a way to set your boundaries.
Thankfully, you receive amazing one-on-one guidance now to help you successfully navigate the rapids. A deeper sense of clarity brings you peace.
The Sun might return to your career sector at this time every year, but this time there is not only a sense of liberation and an opportunity for a fresh start, but a chance to focus more on the pursuit of your professional dreams.
Where you have been ready to fly for a long time now, you have been shackled to the past, unable to do much more than flap your wings in preparation for flight. Those shackles were removed last week, with time giving you the confidence to trust that the sky really is the limit.
Today’s Quote: “Sometimes you have to forget what’s gone, appreciate what remains, and look forward to what’s coming next.”
Lucky Numbers: 1, 19, 21, 26, 41, 47
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Excellent