Jupiter’s transit of your partnership sector helps you relate with a significant “other” in your life in more satisfying and rewarding ways, dear Gemini, and it’s a good time (most of 2019) for seeing a person as a whole rather than focusing on the irritating parts!

As Jupiter connects to Uranus through a minor but disruptive aspect now, however, there is some tendency to rebel if things become too close for comfort.

Be sure to recognize this need for space, both for yourself and for someone important to you, since feelings of being confined or hemmed in can lead to unnecessary conflicts if left unattended.

A friendship and partnership may clash for some of you, or there can be tensions if you’re pouring too much energy into one relationship over another.

The Moon heads to the top of your solar chart later today, and you’re reminded of your ambitions and accomplishments.

It’s easy to get excited about unusual prospects today. But don’t let your fascination become an excuse for traipsing off on a gigantic sidetrack.

Tap into the kind of enthusiasm that’s sustaining and sustainable, instead.

Investment of time and energy in an action plan with long-range ramifications might not be as immediately glamorous but ultimately, it will pay off in bigger, better, and more satisfying ways.

Say no to distractions, and say yes to what’s juicy, nourishing, and healthy.

The Moon is moving over a crucial part of the sky this week, the same part that has already seen a lot of cosmic shifts since the New Year or will over the coming days and weeks.

Today the Moon is wrapping up both its first visit to an adventurous part of your chart for the year and last before the Sun’s return in 10 days’ time.

Yet these adventurous lunar vibes make way for its first visit to your career sector for the year, with a chance to regroup after Mars left last week.

Throughout the week there is a need to have your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground.

Today’s Quote: “Smile, even if it’s fake. Laugh, even if you hurt. Don’t let anyone get to you, you’re beautiful regardless of what anyone says to you.”

Lucky Numbers: 22, 24, 29, 34, 40, 42

Daily Compatibility: Aries

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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