Better late than never! February finds you eager to make lofty plans that inspire you. With the Sun taking its annual spin through Aquarius and your ninth house of travel, study and entrepreneurship until February 18, adventure calls (and you’re definitely not ignoring it, are you?).

While others are dreaming about Valentine’s Day, you’re more interested in falling in love with your life again. Got a message to spread or wise words to share with the world? El Sol in this multicultural, media-friendly sector offers you a platform to connect with a global tribe. Rally around a unifying cause that expands people’s minds and builds bridges (not walls).

The February 4 Aquarius new moon opens the perfect portal for your starry-eyed plans. Events sparked now will unfold over the coming six months, culminating at the August 15 Aquarius full moon. Calculated risks can pay off but be careful not to stick too many irons in the fire at once. The voracious ninth house wants to do it all right away. Easy, Gemini! You could burn out if you barrel ahead TOO fast.

Pro tip: Sidestep small talk and gossip, which will drain your energy and distract you from your mission, no matter how juicy the tidbit. Surround yourself with big-hearted people who geek out on exploring limitless possibilities, not rehashing outworn dramas. Stuck in a rut? Sign up for a mind-opening workshop that helps you see things from a new and broader perspective.

How about a little “Gung Hay Fat Choy” fiesta while you’re at it? On February 5, the Chinese Lunar New Year arrives, and we bid farewell to the territorial Earth Dog and welcome the Earth Pig, a time to be more communal and fun-loving once again. Coupled with the energy of numerology’s 3 Universal Year, the world is moving into a friendlier phase, which is much more your Gemini #twinning speed!

Your urge to merge is amplified in the first half of the month thanks to motivator Mars doing time in Aries and your collaborative eleventh house until February 14. This is the realm of future-forward ideas, technology and innovation.

Since January 1, excitable Mars has been stoking your idealism, adding excitement AND stress to team endeavors. Since the red planet can fuel conflict, you might also need to hash things out in rather blunt terms with a friend or colleague.

Tech-savvy Uranus, the planet of spontaneity and radical change, is also in Aries until March 6, when it will make a permanent exit, not to return again in your lifetime. If your social circles need an upgrade, speak now or forever hold your peace! This is a powerful time to network and establish yourself as a thought leader, both in person and online.

On February 13, Mars and Uranus will make a rare conjunction, a day when you can be a force for either transformation or destructiveness, depending on your choices. This volatile mashup can tempt you to make impulsive moves, especially if you feel caged in or suppressed.

While it’s important to be authentic, make sure you haven’t confused “keeping it real” with being domineering, opinionated or just plain offensive. Note sure how to tell? Ask yourself whether your actions are more likely to bring people together or cause chaos and division.

Valentine’s Day arrives with a brand-new energy as Mars plows into Taurus and your restful, healing twelfth house from February 14 until March 31. Dial it down about 25 notches, Gemini. With the energy planet in “sleep mode,” this is a better time to do your work behind the scenes.

The twelfth house rules closure, and because Mars only comes here every two years, it’s worth taking the time to heal and deal. Handle loose ends and get that psychic baggage out of your life already!

Bravely releasing the past will leave you with a clean slate at the end of this transit. On March 31, the red planet moves into Gemini, activating YOUR sign and personal ambitions.

And make room for the muse! With your subconscious activated, this can be a rich time for creativity, intuition and any kind of artistic endeavor. Powerful messages can come through your dreams, but with anxious Mars here, it could be hard to unwind at night.

Turn off screens a couple hours before bedtime and avoid stressful conversations at night if you can. There’s hardly a better time for a meditation practice, even if you start by listening to guided recordings.

Confront any emotions you’ve sidestepped. If you’re dealing with an addiction or unhealed grief, Mars can embolden you to get the support you need. Forgiveness work can also close a painful chapter.

The twelfth house could stir up confusion and self-sabotaging behaviors. Be mindful whom you trust now, as you might be drawn into a friendship or attraction filled with mixed signals. Your own moods may fluctuate wildly, so be careful not to lead others on.

Set realistic expectations and make sure you ask for support. It takes a village, Gemini—and we’re not talking about one populated by all of your personalities, okay? You can only do so much alone!

With that aside, we’ve got good news: The moon will be in Gemini on Valentine’s Day, making you the star of Cupid’s show! Whether you’re single or coupled, dress up and do something adventurous.

With the moon in a tricky T-square with Jupiter in your relationship house and Neptune in your career corner, you might feel dueling demands from work and a love interest.

Keep yourself in the equation here, and don’t get consumed with people-pleasing or making over-the-top plans. If reservations are booked at all the high-ticket places, veer off the beaten path and put your signature stamp on V-Day this year.

On February 18, “wounded healer” Chiron will move into Aries, staying until April 2027. Chiron made a brief pit stop here from April to September 2018, then receded back into Pisces. While Chiron is in Aries, we’ll collectively mend old scars around visibility, self-esteem and identity.

According to mythology, Chiron was a healer who couldn’t heal himself. Under his influence, we transform by helping others overcome struggles that we’ve dealt with (and may still be muddling through). It’s the ultimate act of service, where the giver ends up receiving an unexpected karmic gift.

Chiron’s impact will be felt in your eleventh house of groups. Who are the people in your “tribe,” Gemini? Chiron will weed out the bad apples (or reveal where you’ve been a less-than-stellar friend so you can make amends).

Old hurts around belonging, fitting in and selling out could be important themes. At what point will you sacrifice your principles to be part of the in-crowd?

You might mentor young people on issues of bullying and empowerment, or become a voice of change for a disenfranchised group. Politics and social justice work can give you a platform, and you could lead a change-making collaboration on a smaller but impactful scale.

These themes won’t be entirely new because radical Uranus has been in Aries since 2011, shaking up the status quo in this zone of your chart for years. On March 6, Uranus will permanently exit the Ram’s domain, passing the baton to Chiron for the next nine years.

That same day (February 18), the Sun starts its monthlong visit to Pisces and your tenth house of career, success and ambition. One of those big ideas that’s been brewing could become your main focus. Tune out distractions and chip away at your dream a bit each day. In four weeks you could make major headway!

But don’t forget the little people in your quest for the top! On February 19, the Virgo full moon—also a potent supermoon—illuminates your fourth house of home and family.

Whether it’s by blood or bond, those supportive and unconditionally loving folks deserve your undivided attention. This once-a-year full moon reminds you to touch down at base camp and nurture your connections.

Women, mothers and other female relatives are governed by the fourth house, and one of these relationships could be in the spotlight today or over the next two weeks. If there’s been tension, clear the air, but be sure to set ground rules where everyone listens respectfully and gets an equal chance to talk.

Looking for a new address or a fresh decor scheme? The full moon could play real estate agent (or interior designer), helping you create the home of your Pinterest-worthy dreams.

If winter blahs have been getting you down, warm up with good company. Host a potluck full moon party and movie night and bring some post-Valentine’s Day cheer into Chateau Gemini.

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