Dear Leo, it is good to see that you are slowly learning the ways of accepting your flaws. Now it is time to work on your skills and walk on the path of perfection. You have to make yourself capable enough to know your worth. Do not be over-sensitive and gullible to the world. Your personal life will give you ample time to judge yourself and act.
You might think that your health is doing fine and ignore your check-ups, but your heart and blood pressure will hint otherwise. You must schedule an appointment at the earliest. You should also try to reduce your addiction to caffeine, as it is keeping you awake. Try to turn your lifestyle into an ideal one, where you have priorities like exercise and health checkups as your necessity.
You tend to sacrifice everything you have to bring betterment in the lives of others. However, some people might take advantage of this characteristic of yours. They might manipulate you emotionally and take your help for their benefit. It might push you towards trouble and turn you into a ferocious person. But you must not let their brutality and rudeness change your kindness.
Today’s Quote: “Everyone has doubts. Everyone freaks out about where they are in life. But that’s a good thing. You’re open to change and growth.”
Colors of the day: Yellow Ochre, Pink
Lucky Numbers of the day: 2, 4, 6
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: B, D
Cosmic tip: Spread your wings and free your mind.
Tips for Singles: Thank your friends who have stopped you from calling your ex.
Tips for Couples: There is no need to feel insecure when you are in a true relationship.