Leo – Expect unexpected events today. Your flexible outlook is well-suited for dealing with all the unexpected twists and turns this day may bring. While others may be upset by the outcome of their plans, you will find you are able to surf the waves and make any situation positive, no matter how it was planned.
The current planetary aspect could make you feel that it is impossible to deal with your feelings. Other people may feel like obstacles or too much. Sometimes your own emotions can seem overwhelming or impossible to handle. Take some time for yourself to calm down and to find your inner emotional self. You can’t escape any element’s grip if you don’t know it. Get some exercise to help you pay more attention to your emotions.
You’ll need to convince someone you care about that keeps your heart racing at night. You will need to prove to them that you care deeply about their well-being and are independent and ambitious and capable of taking care of yourself. This may seem like an impossible task, so you might reconsider before entering into a new relationship.
“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.”
Colors of the day – Green, Silver
Lucky Numbers of the day – 4, 2
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with – J, N
Cosmic Tip – Don’t forget those tiny little things.
Tips for Singles – Make a promise to not let go!
Tips for Couples – If you could be together in sickness, nothing should drift you apart.