It is likely you have been working for too much and too long. Aren’t you ready for a little break? You won’t accomplish anything even if your legs drag you out of bed. It’s hard for your brain to function when your heart isn’t there. You will feel rejuvenated after a few days of relaxation and rest. Maybe you need to take a quick trip out of the city.

Give yourself an inch, and you may take a mile. If you can, bring your tendency to swim poolside. It is an excellent exercise for the mind and body and isn’t expensive. This low-impact, enjoyable sport can be incorporated into any lifestyle, whether you’re a novice or an experienced swimmer. You can strengthen your lung capacity and tone your entire body. Once you start rolling, it’s almost like meditation. It’s an excellent way to get outside, weather permitting.

Romance is now a fantasy realm. There could be some disconnect between your desires and the reality of what you get. You may have a strong desire to be one with your partner. When day-to-day life hits, this is fine. The mystical music of angels becomes a dull dirge.

“A soulmate isn’t someone who completes you. No, a soulmate is someone who inspires you to complete yourself.”

Colors of the day: White, Peach

Lucky Numbers of the day: 4, 9

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: E, T

Cosmic Tip: It is not the time to rest.

Tips for Singles: The more you explore, the more you discover.

Tips for Couples: It is time to spend some quality time with your beloved.

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