Excess energy can make you restless today, especially if your emotions are amped up from an unprocessed love relationship issue.
Cosmic conditions can create even more confusion and you’ll do yourself a favor if you can find ways to compromise with the one you love at this time.
Embrace your emotions, even if they’re big and heavy, so that you can make decisions with more clarity and honesty. Taking some measures to calm yourself down after a bout of drama will serve your love connection well later in the evening.
A desire to feel safer or more secure within a love relationship could encourage you to explore ways to enhance feelings of emotional security.
You know what you’re keen to retain or protect and are also willing to do what it takes on your part to maintain harmony in a special connection.
Your confidence in your abilities to bring a deeper level of comfort isn’t misplaced, either. You’re more than willing to amp up your efforts if you can see the benefits of doing so.
Forget about temptation, especially if you are with a partner, do not start a parallel relationship because it will not bring you anything good.
Protect yourself from disappointments caused by your emotionality. Be patient, whatever happens around you. Don’t be aggressive if you’re challenged to a political dispute because others can provoke you on purpose easily right now.
You must keep your dreams and plans secret from strangers. Travel only if you have urgent meetings. Try not to over-analyze your current status.
In the near future an event could make quite a difference and push towards creating some interesting changes. Keep away people who have disappointed you countless times.