You may want to talk to your friends and family and let them know how you have been feeling lately. This will not only make you feel closer to them but also give you the opportunity to share your emotions with others and make you feel less burdened about certain situations. Spend more time with near and dear ones and appreciate their presence in your life. Do not avoid the conversations even though they might get emotional and very clingy.

The start of the week would seem to be quite good but with the onset of the latter half of the week, you may start to experience some health issues mostly with regards to your lower body. Do not ignore such signs and seek medical help upon the occurrence of the slightest issue. Take utmost care of your body and health and also make sure you have a good and balanced diet and proper water intake as well.

You may have been putting in the requisite effort but the plans at work may not be working out for you as you would have wanted them to. Such advances through the start of the week may make you lose determination, dedication, and persistence by the latter half of the week. Always keep your hopes high and do not let yourself lose motivation from your professional front. Steer clear from any unnecessary expenses during the week.

You may be feeling quite low when it comes to both your personal and professional life and may make you doubt your self-worth and confidence. Keep reminding yourself that such phases in life are recurring and hope and optimism should not be lost forever. You may want to indulge in some pampering or self-care sessions to make yourself feel more alive and also clear your mind with the ongoing happenings.

Considering your mental and emotional state, you may expect a surprise little getaway planned by loved ones, friends, or family. Utilize this time to reboot and relax your body, mind, and soul so that you can be ready to come back to the grind soon again. Make sure you are not stressing out about work and solely spending the moments with your loved ones. Ensure that you are not overspending on needless things.

Color of the week– Magenta and Light blue.

Lucky number– 5, 7

Lucky alphabet– C, J

Cosmic tip– Take time to reboot and relax.

Tip for singles– Share your emotions with friends and family and do not bottle up.

Tip for couples– A little getaway could help you be more mindful.

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