Uranus has begun its yearly retrograde cycle, dear Libra. This transit subtly alters your approach to bringing on change, upgrades, and progress in your intimate life and regarding finances and debts. While Uranus has been direct since January, changes were more evident and sometimes heavy.

However, while retrograde for the coming five months, issues are internalized and not as visible. For best results, use this time to examine how you depend on others and devise strategies to alter these dependencies in ways that benefit you and the people you love.

If financial or support matters have been up in the air, disorganized, or unreliable, now’s your chance to figure out why.

Another shift is Mercury’s move into your social sector until August 29th. It visited there recently–from June 26-July 19–before it went on a retrograde back-up.

Now that the planet of communication is back, you’ll be in a strong position for networking. Pursuits you started last month now gain forward momentum, and you’re finding the right information for moving new initiatives forward.

This cycle encourages a more relaxed rapport with associates, friends, and networks. It’s also an active period for innovative and enterprising thinking.

You may feel like your relationships are on a wash, rinse, and repeat cycle. Do you find yourself replaying similar scenarios from your past?

Look for what is unwanted in your life, but persists. Recurring storylines are often a recreation of your childhood dynamics. Acknowledge the pain and uncover the underlying payoff.

Being an active participant in your own entrapment is never justified. Choose to evolve into a new version of you. But being strong doesn’t mean you need to close off your heart; in fact, just the opposite. Love is the code of a spiritual warrior.

Jupiter is spending his first full day in direct motion in your communication sector just as Mercury, the planet of communication is spending his first full day back in your friendship sector.

Neither are directly responsible for the positive conditions all week for personal and professional networking, friendship and relationship building but they know how to exploit this.

The whole energy across the solar system is going to feel lighter and more harmonious today and all week but especially so when it comes to your human interactions.

Today’s Quote: “Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.”

Lucky Numbers: 27, 29, 31, 33, 36, 49

Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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