The tendency to speak too matter-of-factly or to speak from the head rather than the heart can produce some challenges today, dear Libra. Something you say can be misunderstood or taken the wrong way.

You might appear critical or judgmental when you’re merely playing with ideas. Or, if you feel overwhelmed or burdened, you could too quickly jump to the wrong conclusions.

As the day advances, you’re likely to focus on more positive things, but be sure to learn from any differences or hurt feelings you’ve experienced.

Even if you’re entirely in the right, others’ reactions can offer you a new way to see a matter. In fact, in a general sense, this a particularly engaging period for you. You’re especially interested in putting plans and ideas into motion.

Setting aside your own interests enables you to positively impact your world. Avoid fretting over a dilemma that appears to have no immediate solution.

Otherwise, you could keep digging deeper into your own knowledge base to search for your answers and become frustrated when you don’t reach pay dirt now.

Nevertheless, it may be better to step up to offer aid to someone else today. You might find their problem mirrors your own, but it’s different enough to reveal previously unseen insights.

Any planet returning to Libra will clash with planets in your relationship sector and as there has been continuous planetary activity there for nine decades, this is the norm.

The biggest danger for Venus and Mercury, in their early days in Libra, is discounting any tension as the normal speedbumps they will experience in any year.

For in reality this would be easy to do, with this nothing more than a reminder to balance your personal and relationship needs. However, with the planets of love, communication and healing involved there is a chance to use this as an opportunity to lay some old ghosts to rest.

Today’s Quote: “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 17, 32, 35, 37, 43

Daily Compatibility: Gemini

Creativity: Fair

Love: Good

Business: Good

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