The Moon transits your communications sector all day, dear Libra, joining with generous Jupiter and helping to boost your mood and sunny up your disposition. Warmth in your interactions can figure strongly, and you’re in good shape for teaching and learning.

Your ideas and kindness draw others in. However, it’s a good idea to watch for overloading your schedule since optimism can lead to a sense that you can handle more than is reasonable. We’re heading toward a Sun-Pluto opposition, which can also serve to exaggerate problem areas.

On the other hand, it can help you see areas where you’ve been overly attached, particularly in your personal life. Ideally, this motivates you to consider ways to let go of unnecessary burdens in your life.

You might wish you could clone yourself now. The distractions mount as fast as the errands you need to complete today. And each time you try to get one thing done, two more pop up in its place.

However, one factor that impedes your progress is your inability to track down missing information.

You hustle here and there trying to cover lost ground, and may end up disoriented from the hectic pace. Unfortunately, there are circumstances running amuck which are beyond your control. The trick to handling the maelstrom is to embrace the chaos.

The weekend is always a valuable chance to regroup and as exciting as things are professionally at the moment, to make time to connect with the things and people you value in your life.

With a lunar eclipse on the home front next week but also important developments when it comes to friendship and relationship building, the Moon is able to tap into the one common theme today.

That common theme is communication, with a chance to not only connect but make up for lost time. This is the sort of day when a do over is possible.

Today’s Quote: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Lucky Numbers: 5, 17, 31, 35, 36, 40

Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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