Be open to making positive changes and improvements and avoid sudden moves with Venus opposite Uranus today, dear Libra. The desire for beautiful things or particular possessions that you’ve been considering is stronger now with Venus in your solar second house these days.

Today, you might find someone opposes you, or changes in schedules send you in a new direction. Instead of giving in to impulses, the best way to use the energy of the day constructively is to find a new way to handle a financial matter.

There could also be a surprise in the intimacy department. The trick is to think outside of the box since anything too ordinary or mundane will only serve to frustrate.

Your enterprising spirit is strong you only need an outlet for expressing it! Circumstances may seem to force a change if you’ve been clinging too tightly to habits and things. A Full Moon is about to occur, stirring up emotions further.

A loved one’s resistance to a request might be less about what you’re asking and more about your tone. Perhaps a plea comes off as a demand or you’re not conveying genuine sincerity, especially if you already feel entitled to what you’re petitioning for now.

However, pushing to obtain your desire won’t help you get it any faster while the tough Aries Moon opposes Mars in diplomatic Libra. Try your best to present a win-win solution that affirms both of your needs rather than just one of yours. Healthy compromises cultivate thriving relationships.

While it was a given that tomorrow’s Full Moon, a result of a clash between the Sun in Libra and the Moon in your relationship sector would create some tension, this should already be evident.

Any personal and/or relationship tension today is coming from the Moon’s first opposition with Mars in Libra in two years and in particular, your responses to this.

As the Moon works to put the focus on your relationships, Mars is encouraging you to stand up for your own needs in a way literally not seen in years. This is not a sign that something is wrong with your relationships and instead a sign that you are starting to take your power back.

Today’s Quote: “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”

Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 11, 13, 40, 42

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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