Today is wonderful for gaining perspective, dear Libra. Mind you, with a New Moon occurring tomorrow, you may be symbolically in the dark on a matter.

However, you’re feeling inspired and just fine with the knowledge that you don’t have all the answers at the moment! Clarity will come soon enough.

Your thinking is more creative than usual, and there can be some fun problem-solving going on now that warms your spirit. You can be especially proud of your ideas and good at expressing them today.

You might show your affections quite eloquently now, or attract someone to you through your good humor and wonderful way with words. Also today, Venus begins its four-week transit of your home and family sector.

This starts an interesting trend in which you’re a little more introspective. It’s a powerful period for finding your emotional center and getting in touch with your needs for safety, nurture, and security.

What others see as lazy is actually a clever form of efficiency. When you are enjoying yourself, your mind makes associations it would not normally make which means your idle hours are never boring.

As your home life simmers down a bit now, your imagination soars. You experiment with different ways to express yourself while you are having fun.

Return to the source of your artistry, find your flow, and develop a brand-new potential.

While Venus’ departure from your communication sector today, just as Mars moves into his final 10 days in your relationship sector, might be seen as bad timing, there is nothing to fear.

Venus leaves behind plenty of powerful planets that will remain in play on the communication front.

Yet as the planet of love, this has given you a chance to give your heart and your relationships a voice, that will be easy to maintain. In the meantime, Venus returns to work her magic on the home front.

Today’s Quote: “I’ve never really been aware of what is said about me, whether it’s positive or negative. I ignore it. I’ve always had the mind-set: ‘No one can challenge me better than myself.'”

Lucky Numbers: 12, 13, 17, 29, 40, 41

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Excellent

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