With a New Moon tomorrow, dear Sagittarius, you’ll want to wind down and detox today.
As Mercury and your ruler, Jupiter, connect in a harmonious aspect, talking, writing, and studying can be most excellent ways to relax and unwind.
Solutions come more readily than usual now, and the rapport you have with others on important issues feels reinforcing.
It’s a great time to pick up valuable information, resolve problems, reach agreements, and see the bigger picture or possible positive outcomes, and this is a sweet relief. You’re especially charming, appealing, and creative now.
As well today, Venus leaves your sign and moves into your resources sector for a four-week stay. Your sense of what’s valuable is strong, and you may very well score some great deals.
It’s a fine transit for business and for personal comfort and enjoyment as well.
Your willingness to take a chance shifts the dynamics in a positive direction. A tricky issue concerning money and a relative clears up if everyone takes responsibility for their share of the stress.
At the same time, your overall financial picture starts to improve. The process is far from over but for now, your mind can settle somewhat.
A friendly neighbor or a beloved sibling swoops in with compliments that make you feel special. The good news is you may be negotiating a project that will aid you both.
Venus’ departure from Sagittarius today brings you to an important point in the year.
Until now, even though Jupiter returned to Sagittarius in November, as the faster moving planets moved through you were still in the introductory phase, as you worked to update your expectations and intentions for the coming year.
Venus was the last of those planets, with your heart getting the final say. With Venus gone the real journey can begin.
Today’s Quote: “I’ve never really been aware of what is said about me, whether it’s positive or negative. I ignore it. I’ve always had the mind-set: ‘No one can challenge me better than myself.'”
Lucky Numbers: 6, 11, 17, 35, 38, 44
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Excellent
Business: Good