This morning, there can be some disconnects to deal with, dear Libra. While someone’s heart is likely in the right place, words may not be perfect!

As you slow yourself down later today, you are more able to express your affection in real ways, through caring and sharing. You have a spirit for adventure nonetheless and might satisfy it through entertainment.

The need to keep busy is strong but not as powerful as your desire to be of practical use and help others. Avoid delving into unknown territory for now, though.

It is best to stick with what you know and to keep everything on track, just for the moment, or until you can trust your instincts again.

If you feel disconnected with someone you care for, you probably have all the tools to bring the warmth back if you think about it hard enough.

Loving connections help you feel secure no matter where you are or what is happening around you. Your moods may swing between rational and volatile today; honestly, the best thing you can do is laugh at yourself.

Avoid any tendency to overindulge in compulsive habits when moderation suits you so well. Fly solo to a fresh environment to meet fun new people, or plan an unconventional date night.

Mingle with the masses and do your part to earn the compliments and companionship you desire. Keep your heart open but your head clear.

You not only have the Moon in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart as Mars moves into his final two weeks here, but wrapping up a lunar eclipse two days ago.

In retrograde motion, Mars is not only fuelling your romantic and creative passions and fighting spirit, but with the help of the Moon has managed to challenge old excuses.

With Venus, planet of love just eight days away from Libra, failing to listen to and follow your heart is no longer an option.

Today’s Quote: “It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”

Lucky Numbers: 13, 14, 22, 34, 38, 41

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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