The current Venus transit is terrific for added warmth and beauty or harmony in your home or personal life, dear Libra, and it will stick with you throughout the rest of February.
You’re not as interested in venturing out, finding your tried-and-true pleasures most satisfying during this transit.
With Venus, the planet of harmony, in favorable aspect to Vesta today, you’re in a terrific position to enjoy peaceful, realistic, and focused interactions.
Your view of others is reasonable, and you enjoy seeing people and projects for who or what they are. Familiarity is an aphrodisiac right now!
You’re also in beautiful shape for work projects, health programs or pursuits, and filling responsibilities. Your efforts are recognized. You quite readily devote yourself to the task at hand now.
Being yourself is a highly addictive habit. Once you get over others’ opinions of you, you can have a blast simply revealing your genuine individuality.
You still love reflecting the motley characters you assemble around you, and entertaining them in the process. Each person adds a colored thread to your tapestry, but that tapestry and how you weave it is all yours.
You are a social maestro, and right now is your time to be on center stage. Dance to the music in your mind.
While you don’t know it yet and the first evidence won’t be found until the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars return to Libra in the second half of the year, a major stumbling block is being removed.
Since 2010 no planet has been able to move through Libra without moving into opposition with Uranus in your relationship sector. Yet as Uranus moves into his final month today, you already have Mars providing the muscle that is pulling those barriers aside.
Today’s Quote: “You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles.”
Lucky Numbers: 3, 6, 18, 25, 32, 35
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Good
Business: Excellent