The Moon spends the day in your intimacy sector, dear Libra, and you can be primarily focused on and interested in intensive projects rather than spreading your attention around.
This transit encourages introspection, problem-solving, and research. You’d prefer not to skim the surface of things, and instead, you want to go all in!
This is a good day for setting things right in your life in some small way. Gaining a slight advantage can feel right now, or letting go of bad habits seems more within your reach than usual.
There might be some good news, new information, or a rewarding conversation that puts a spring in your step. Take steps to move toward important goals and get yourself into a comfortable pace for best results.
When you’re brimming with good will, you’re eager to share it. It’s not that you are anti-work today; you just want to have fun while doing it.
If a job site or workplace can operate at maximum productivity while simultaneously ringing with positivity, that’s a winning scenario in your book. This simple truth resonates as clear as a bell.
The Moon’s first visit to your financial sector for the year is always a chance to listen to your financial instincts and imagination.
What you don’t normally expect is a sense of financial confidence, excitement and anticipation this is likely to fuel.
Regardless of how much your budget may have taken a hit over the holiday period or where things stand now, your over the horizon radar is picking up on exciting developments ahead.
This is over and above a growing sense of income and job confidence.
Today’s Quote: “I think it’s important to get your surroundings as well as yourself into a positive state – meaning surround yourself with positive people, not the kind who are negative and jealous of everything you do.”
Lucky Numbers: 20, 32, 36, 39, 43, 44
Daily Compatibility: Gemini
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good