The Moon moves into your sign mid-afternoon today, dear Libra. Emotions that you may have pushed to the side or left unacknowledged before that time (and in the last couple of days) are likely to surface, demanding attention.
With the Moon moving into your sign, you’re in an excellent position for awareness of your emotional needs. However, you should watch for going too far with this at first, as the tendency now can be to aim for instant gratification.
People are valuing the very qualities that come naturally to you today, and this can subtly boost your popularity.
However, avoid the trap of looking around too much when assessing your own worth later today when the Moon squares Saturn.
Feel your own accomplishments and avoid comparing them to those of others, unless, of course, this motivates you to make improvements!
Make an effort to see yourself differently now. Everybody has blind spots, so there’s no shame in your game. However, you can get caught up in emotional loops and detrimental vicious cycles without a wider perspective.
Take a walk down Memory Lane in your mind’s eye and recall an experience which informs who you are today.
Distinguish between any harsh memories and the subsequent stories you created about yourself afterward. Love yourself first, release the limiting belief, and set yourself free.
The Moon returns for what is a very ordinary visit to Libra today, something that happens every four weeks.
Yet why does this feel different? As well as your antennas being up in a way they don’t usually respond, your intuition and instincts are picking up on a sense of anticipation, excitement and anticipation.
All your senses are picking up on something exciting ahead and that something is Venus’ approach, almost two months ahead of schedule.
Today’s Quote: “No one can go back and make a brand new start. However, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
Lucky Numbers: 5, 14, 17, 23, 26, 34
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good