Your desire for new knowledge and mental stimulation is stronger these days, dear Libra, with the Sun in your adventure sector, but the Sun’s tense aspect to Uranus early today can be somewhat disruptive.
The routine elements of your life seem to be more drab and dull in your mind’s eye, so do what you can to tame inner restlessness if circumstances conspire to keep you in one place.
Consider areas of your life that may benefit from a more progressive approach while avoiding a tendency to rush to make dramatic changes. The Moon spends the day in your sign, and your emotions are on the front burner.
Later today, minor tensions or poor timing can get in the way of healthy relating patterns. Domestic chores or problems in the family dynamic can weigh heavily on your mind, and this can dampen your spirits but only temporarily.
You’re extra-sensitive to how everyone is interacting at the workplace today. Obviously, you must lead by example to set the right tone.
Do your best to maintain your composure even if someone else is losing theirs, since it’s tempting to let an adversary drag you into a combative confrontation.
But remember that it’s often easier to shape malleable feelings in the moment rather than letting them harden into fixed positions, mindsets, and behaviors. You can be firm, fair, and refined all at the same time.
Just three weeks out from a total solar eclipse in your career sector, one that has the potential to open major new doors, already preparations are in place.
As Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos aligns with the North Node, the force behind next month’s solar eclipse, there is a chance to get a glimpse of what lies beyond those new doors and horizons.
Yet this also gives you a glimpse into what lies behind growing tensions between your home and professional lives, realising that it is all about balance.
Today’s Quote: “Giving up doesn’t always mean you’re weak. Sometimes it means you are strong and smart enough to let go and move on.”
Lucky Numbers: 4, 12, 35, 37, 41, 43
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Fair
Love: Excellent
Business: Fair