Today’s Mars-Chiron aspect feels refreshing after many days when an indirect approach seemed the only way, dear Libra, since it’s very direct and productive energy.
A significant other may very well be integral to getting you out of a funk now, or you could enjoy a mini adventure with someone special. You’re focused on the little jobs and details today, and this can be very useful.
Of course, if you take this too far, you may end up overanalyzing, which can be counterproductive. If you’ve been paying too much attention to your need to get away from it all, your busy, attentive mood today can be especially welcome.
Educational, work, or travel news may be forthcoming now. Share your joie de vivre with others now and watch for the opportunities that open up as you do.
You have a creative vision for making your abode more comfortable. Perhaps you wish to fill your home with more conveniences or to make it more ecologically friendly.
And while this goal might sound like a grand fantasy that’s outside your budget, inspiration could strike like a lightning bolt from the blue sky to illuminate new possibilities.
A first step may involve doing some rearranging with Feng Shui principles in mind. All sorts of good things can manifest when household design invites beneficial energy flow. A harmonious environment is essential for your wellbeing.
On the same day that the Moon returns to your relationship sector ahead of tomorrow’s New Moon, Jupiter moves into his final week in direct motion on the communication front.
This sends a clear message to both the Sun and Moon, a day before they are due to align in order to give your relationships the green light, that the communication gods are behind you.
The communication gods are slowing down and next week will turn their attention onto giving the past and unsaid words a voice.
Today’s Quote: “Sometimes it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence.”
Lucky Numbers: 2, 4, 17, 23, 35, 36
Daily Compatibility: Gemini
Creativity: Good
Love: Excellent
Business: Good