The Moon moves into harmony with your sign for a couple of days, dear Libra, and you’re likely to find easier channels for expressing your feelings. Today is good for creating, sharing, and enjoying yourself.

You’re a little more playful, which is excellent energy after some tense or inhibited days. You’re likely to feel more positive, confident, active, and forward-focused.

Even so, you can make a meaningful connection that helps in the pursuit of your more worldly goals.

People in high places may be looking on you especially favorably today, fortunate connections can be forged, or work may be more pleasurable now. You seem to be able to promote yourself and your interests quite successfully.

Your public image is irresistible now. People respond to your every move and you feel compelled to entertain them. However, one factor propelling you into the spotlight could be turbulence on the home front, motivating you to surf the creative waves that require you to be out of the house.

Unexpected twists and turns could emanate from any joint projects, so try to keep your side of the deal on the straight and narrow. You are in for a wild ride unless you seize the bull by the horns.

What a difference a day can make. There is still likely to be some work/life balance tension after yesterday’s lunar eclipse but nothing like there has been.

Like a balloon that was blown up beyond the amount of air it can hold will eventually burst, this is what yesterday’s lunar eclipse has done.

Without that tension you can see things more clearly, while today’s playful lunar vibes are just what the doctor has ordered. This is a stunning day for job and career matters, yet without life needing to be all work and no play.

Today’s Quote: “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”

Lucky Numbers: 11, 17, 26, 28, 29, 48

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Excellent

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