Mercury enters your friendship sector today, dear Libra, and will transit this area of your solar chart until July 19th. This cycle is strong for sharing ideas and your expertise with others.

You’re more inclined to reach out to others for inspiration, and they quite readily connect with you. Ideas entertained now tend to be especially unique or progressive.

Cooperation comes easily in group settings. You are also more inclined to think about favorite causes and long-term aspirations during this period.

Today is good for teaming or pairing up and coming up with a perfect idea. Later today, we head towards an awkward aspect between Pluto and your ruler, Venus, which can point to a tricky decision or dilemma.

You may be craving more freedom on the one hand with Venus in your adventure sector, but emotions are complicated, particularly regarding family matters or a concurrent desire to play things safe.

Interactions can stimulate intense feelings, and something or someone might remind you of issues you’d prefer to forget. Even so, this gives you the chance to face and deal with sticky feelings.

You’re likely to snap out of a reclusive funk now, whether or not you even realize you were in one. You’ve been so busy tending to responsibilities at work and home that there was little time for anything else.

Seek opportunities to socialize and reconnect while interactive Mercury is moving into your 11th House of Community.

Nevertheless, you might not want to venture too far from your couch today, so you can either invite your buddies over or visit neighborhood friends. You are at your best when people are your priorities.

It was 25 days ago that Mercury returned for what should have been a 14 to 15 day visit to your career sector, yet even as he leaves today this is not goodbye.

Due to retrograde back in for a double dip visit next month, Mercury leaves you with the intellectually savvy edge needed to line up for next week’s solar eclipse, while making it easier to keep your head out of the game.

Mercury will return after next week’s solar eclipse has unleashed all its options and while leaving you with an intellectually savvy edge, this makes it easier for fate to take the wheel.

Today’s Quote: “The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 11, 18, 19, 22, 49

Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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