Responsibilities may very well appear weightier or limiting, dear Libra. There can be a sense that you’re restricted by the people around you or by your duties.
Interactions can be a little off, and you can feel as if you are getting in the way of one another rather than working together. Focusing on practical matters and details may fare best right now.
It’s understandable for debate to grow intense when controversial issues are discussed. Tension often escalates at any meeting where changes are suggested or specifics hashed out. But surprise is the name of the game when talks move in an unusual direction today.
Timid voices are loud. The conventional thinkers float far-out alternatives. Up looks like down and down looks like up. In fact, the eye-openers might be so plentiful that it’s difficult to keep track of them all. Communication is everything but dull when your ideas are so bright.
Having the Moon in your relationship sector might exacerbate some tension already there between your personal and relationship needs, but the timing couldn’t be better.
A major alignment between communication and relationship forces is in effect all week, creating the very real potential for a breakthrough.
In the meantime, as he moves into his final two weeks in an adventurous part of your chart, Mars is adding more fuel to a passion for adventure. With things about to take a more professional turn, there is a new sense of urgency.
Today’s Quote: “When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.”
Lucky Numbers: 5, 8, 32, 38, 41, 44
Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good