The desire to pioneer or innovate is active today, dear Libra, and you may enjoy coming up with new ventures or methods to improve what you already have going. You’re likely to be ahead of the competition if you’re even noticing them at all.
This can be a time for turning a limiting situation that has weighed you down in the past into a powerful motivator for new goals and ambitions. A new attitude can be the first step toward increased freedom.
Business matters can benefit from your attention and confidence. It’s essential to feel the inspiration for what you’re doing–if you have that, you can move mountains.
Things seem to be coming together naturally, and possibly more quickly than you imagined with Mars and Uranus in harmony today.
You can be downright tenacious when it comes to holding onto tried-and-true ways that work for you. But you’re also curious and intrigued by cutting-edge techniques, hoping one will lead to a breakthrough today.
Although trial-and-error experimentation enables you to utilize the best of the status quo, it’s crucial to integrate dashes of the updated and new.
Crafting a unique strategy which suits your purpose is a worthy challenge. Peak efficiency is the name of the game and you play it well.
Even though the Moon continues to deliver work/life balance reminders and this might create some pressure, the timing couldn’t be better.
With Mars not only in his first full week in your career sector, but some stunning conditions unfolding across the job and career fronts, this is an exciting point in this professional year.
Yet with the Sun and Mercury in their early days in an adventurous part of your chart, life doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Even the professional gods know that the right work/life balance will improve your productivity and creativity.
Today’s Quote: “As you proceed through life, following your own path, birds will shit on you. Don’t bother to brush it off. Getting a comedic view of your situation gives you spiritual distance. Having a sense of humor saves you.”
Lucky Numbers: 1, 9, 26, 27, 33, 34
Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Excellent
Business: Good