You’re in particularly good shape for opportunities surrounding money, work, family, real estate, loans, and intimate relationships, dear Libra. Today, you’re noticing things you might miss at other times.

You’re very much cued in! Connections can be motivating and rousing. Observing and learning rather than jumping into action tends to be favored now, but it is also a good time for taking action on private matters.

You’re in good shape for activities that help you heal and repair. Connecting with your deepest needs and feelings is satisfying and useful now. Your desires seem more complicated than usual these days, but getting in touch helps move the process of self-understanding along.

Getting your emotional bearings can figure strongly now. With Saturn turning direct today, organizing your personal life is in fabulous favor going forward.

Facing your responsibilities realistically puts you in a strong position to manage them. Take things gradually and enjoy the process of bringing more order and security to your personal space and inner world. There may be a reality to face or an obligation to fulfill now or this week, but it pushes things forward.

You’re motivated to get your figurative and actual house in order today. Although you may be comfortable with a thorough cleaning around your home, you may not relish the same level of diligence with touchier areas of your life.

For instance, your relationship with your family or other unresolved emotional issues regarding your domestic life might catch up with you.

Fortunately, stable Saturn’s forward motion in your 4th House of Foundations can help you sort out how to shore up your sense of place in the world. Strengthening your roots now helps you bear more robust fruit in the future.

In the lead up to the beginning of your birthday month and new solar year, the Sun will always call for time out to hear yourself think.

Yet with Venus and Mercury already in their early days in Libra, this is giving you a sneak peek. They will still be here when the Sun returns in four days’ time, giving you a chance to do some window shopping.

With heart and mind on the same page, this is a chance to explore your options without the pressure to commit to anything. The biggest danger right now is taking this too seriously, thinking you have to reinvent the wheel. The message from Venus, your ruling planet, is to have fun with this.

Today’s Quote: “The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.”

Lucky Numbers: 11, 16, 28, 40, 41, 44

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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