As good as your days will be, so will you. You should ensure that what comes your way makes you happy. There is a thin line between a normal day and a good day that makes all the difference. You can make a difference by keeping your family and friends closer than ever. You have a lot going on this week. Just keep a check and stay positive. When you enjoy the game of life, your days become brighter.
This week, go for green vegetables and foods rich in beta carotene. Take morning walks to keep your health in check. A healthy temple inside you is the best gift you can give yourself. Happiness and joy are the food for your soul. We advise people like you to drink eight glasses of water every day since you consume less than that amount. Here’s your health quote for the week: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”.
An Pisces native’s expenses may be higher than your weekly allowance, leaving him or her instead with little money to spare. It may be worthwhile for you to enroll in classes related to occult sciences or healing practices. You may have benefitted financially and received gifts from your spouse. Expenses associated with a newborn or children may also be incurred. In the absence of prior information, investing in legal work might not be prudent. It’s possible that you’ll incur legal fees and taxes this week.
Keep a track of your emotional well-being, it’s equally important. Pisces people tend to mask their vulnerable emotions. This week all you need to do is to burst this bubble and take a few breaths while opening with someone you trust. You might be having a mixed set of emotions that can turn the tables if you spill the beans. Being emotionally available to your family and friends will foster your relationships. This week can be an emotional roller coaster altogether.
Pisces views travel as a challenge and a chance to conquer something. These travelers are active and often prefer to travel alone – they can’t stand being held back by others. In general, Pisces love exploring non-touristy places and if the destination includes a form of physical activity such as rock climbing, scuba diving, waterfall jumping, hiking, and/or biking, so much the better. There is no limit to what Pisces can achieve.
Colors of the week: Green, Yellow
Lucky Numbers of the week: 4, 2
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: I, K
Cosmic Tip: Do things that make you happy, others can wait.
Tips for Singles: Learn to love yourself before showering it to someone else.
Tips for Couples: To keep your partner close, set them free.