A Lunar Eclipse occurs today, dear Sagittarius, and emotions are significant, primarily related to your communications or projects.

There may be a bit of chaos or disorder in your daily affairs now. Watch for impatience that can lead you to trip over yourself.

Minor issues can be the trigger, but major issues may be at the root! Consciously try to slow down and to tame your desires, which can seem very immediate and urgent now, but may lose relevance and importance later on.

Watch what you communicate at this time, too, since emotions tend to run high and several influences active now tend to lead to misunderstandings or misjudgments.

Keep in mind that it’s an important time for finally dealing with problem areas in your life. Fortunately, a lovely Venus-Pluto trine occurs now, too, and pouring your heart and passion into work or a money-making project can be especially rewarding and successful.

It can also motivate you to get your life into better order or to learn a new trade.

Venus at the top of your solar chart attracts you good favor in professional or public settings, as well as with superiors or those in authority, and its harmony with Pluto boosts your ability to see a situation, item, or person for its value, and you’re ready to take it to a new level. Reinventing an existing or old project can figure strongly now.

The truth will set you free. Blazing a line of fire between your information-gathering human mind to the integration-catalyzing higher mind, the Lunar Eclipse offers new freedom in self-expression as it highlights your 3rd House of Information.

Stay in the conversation of transformation with people who are of similar accord. The more an idea is shared, the stronger it grows.

When you act diplomatically without fear, the world opens to you. Be unreasonable in your imaginings; speak your best existence into reality.

The first total lunar eclipse in your communication sector in 29 years is a huge opportunity for a communication breakthrough or just the kind of mental breakthrough that can put things in a completely different context.

A month after all the planetary activity on the relationship front ran its course, it’s your relationships that will benefit from the chance this brings to push through any remaining communication barriers.

Today’s Quote: “If you are unsure about your future just keep doing what you know is right. What is meant to be will find you. God will make sure of it.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, 10, 11, 39, 42

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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