While you may have felt compelled to focus on facts and figures in recent days, dear Sagittarius, you’re more inclined to enjoy your imagination or flights of fancy today.
This is due to a Mercury-Neptune connection that encourages you to look at situations in different ways.
Pleasing conversations can be part of the day, particularly with or about family, or can be related to home or domestic matters.
Money-making ideas can be golden now, too, since your intuition for money or business is quite excellent today.
When the Moon moves into Taurus today, it begins transiting your work and health sector, however, and while it only stays there for a couple of days, it can boost your interest in setting your environment straight or getting your work and chores out of the way.
Many mixed emotions are stirred by an event today, leaving you to wonder if it really just happened.
When something is unusual or far outside typical expectations, it’s perfectly natural to take a little extra time processing it before you can be sure how you feel.
There are sparks of mystery and excitement swirling, especially if part of the equation is sexy, romantic, or even paranormal.
Honor your conclusions; what you take away is uniquely your own. Experience is the best teacher.
The Moon makes an important transition today, mainly because of the contact with the planet that will make the same transition in seven weeks’ time.
Just before leaving a playful part of your chart today the Moon aligns with Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected.
The Moon will leave and return for its first visit to your work sector for the year, seven weeks ahead of Uranus’ return. The Moon is hitting playful then busy parts of your chart today, with a taste of a major shift ahead come.
Today’s Quote: “When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”
Lucky Numbers: 3, 9, 11, 15, 21, 24
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good