You’re likely to feel like you’re flowing along rather than fighting your way through your day, dear Gemini, as Mercury and Neptune form a sextile now.

You’re feeling especially comfortable in your own skin, and this ease encourages your imagination to flow in supportive ways. Patience is the key now.

There may be an absorbing mystery to solve or a revealing conversation to enjoy with Mercury in your solar eighth house. Dreams of the ideal profession or an exciting direction can inspire you now.

Your powers of imagination and creative envisioning are excellent under this influence.

You might solve a puzzling problem organically or with little or no effort, as this can be more of a moment of an epiphany than the result of hard thinking.

Self-expression is comfortable and open. You may stumble upon or uncover something that has been missing, lost, or hidden.

A wake-up call might be experienced in a brilliant, but short-lived flash today.

Stay alert to the rush of insight that surprises you when a friend’s casual comment hits home, or the character on screen gives voice to feelings you know extremely well.

If you let this cosmic message of serendipity slip away, it may get lost again in the psychic ethers.

But if you allow that little jolt do its job, you could very well experience a bona fide Archimedes’ moment of “Eureka!” It’s always the right time to rise and shine.

As she spends her first full week in your relationship sector, Venus knows that the best is still to come.

Not only is Venus slowly moving towards her first alignment with lucky Jupiter here in 12 years, but is growing closer to an alliance with Mars in your friendship sector.

With a total lunar eclipse in your communication sector next week, conditions across the communication, friendship and relationship building fronts are literally improving by the day and will continue to for the rest of the month.

Today’s Quote: “When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 9, 29, 36, 39

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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