There can be some tension generated today, dear Sagittarius, as Venus and Mars build towards a challenging relationship. Since impulsive Mars is currently in your sign, this can affect you more than many.

In fact, people may be pushing your buttons, or if you’re feeling a little on edge or unsatisfied, you may be an instigator. Examine what comes to the surface now as you’re likely to discover some previously buried frustrations, and these can help you find ways to resolve them.

If people want more from you than you’re prepared to give today, you might try detaching yourself emotionally just enough to stay in a calm place and work things out.

A Mercury-Neptune alignment may very well help you see the value of a gentle approach now.

Your friends and relatives seem to be moving too fast today and yet they appear to be accomplishing little. It’s as if they are feeling slighted and need a hefty dose of your encouragement.

People end up spinning more wheels than is necessary without getting anywhere fast. But don’t be too quick to judge, since you might be distracted by baubles, beads and other shiny objects now, too. The only advice worth giving is to slow down and count your blessings.

As Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos moves into his final three weeks in Sagittarius, he is also moving into his most exciting weeks.

The Moon’s return to a playful part of your chart earlier in the week helped to fuel your romantic and creative passions and its return to an adventurous part of your chart next week will help fuel a passion for adventure.

Support for Mars and for anything that excites you, your passions and your fighting spirit will only increase over the coming weeks.

Author Colin Wilson wrote, “Imagination should be used, not to escape reality, but to create it.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 9, 25, 30, 32, 37

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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