There can be a rushed or tense feeling in the morning, dear Sagittarius, and a tendency to clash with others if you’re not sure what it is you want. Others, too, may be following whims rather than tuning into their true needs and wants.

However, a Mercury-Neptune alignment can help diffuse the situation. You’re also likely to reminisce about the past and perhaps romanticize or glorify it a little. Leaving things open to interpretation is best now.

As the day advances, a Sun-Saturn influence stimulates a strong desire to be on top of things, especially regarding money, home, family, and security matters.

A desire to feel secure and grounded is with you. Small efforts to connect with family can go a long way towards strengthening ties.

Slowing down can improve the quality of your work, and also your appreciation of the simpler things in life. This is a time for pacing yourself.

You are driven to put your action plan into motion now, but circumstances beyond your control may require you to wait just a bit longer. Impulsive Mars in inspirational Sagittarius is like a personal coach, telling you that you cannot waste another day.

But loving Venus in compassionate Pisces squares Mars, reminding you that you will fail at your endeavors unless you take other people’s feelings to heart.

When Ceres turns direct in an adventurous part of your chart in three weeks’ time, she will begin a trek forward and a date with destiny.

By the time she returns to your career sector in June there will be massive and game changing developments underway on the job front, developments that start as early as later next month.

With the Moon due to reach your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery tomorrow, start clearing the decks today.

A.A. Milne’s Eeyore said, “A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference in the world.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Excellent

Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 14, 15, 23, 46

Daily Compatibility: Libra

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