The first half of the day can play very differently for you, dear Sagittarius, as the morning’s energies encourage sticking to comfortable spaces and activities, but as it moves forward, you’ll want to share more of yourself with others.

The Moon moves into your creative, expressive, and playful solar fifth house. Further, it connects with Jupiter, which is freshly in your sign, boosting your spirits and confidence.

With this emphasis on fiery signs and your happy-go-lucky ruler, you’re likely to feel quite comfortable but also challenged to do something bold or different.

Others, too, might seek you out and feel especially comfortable in your presence.

This is one of the better times for favors and realizing wishes. Your ease in expressing your inner child can inspire positive feedback.

You are perfectly content to enjoy your own company today because the loner Aries Moon is ideal for a party of one.

But you still feel like you must be on the move, even if at a slower and gentler pace. Thankfully, you don’t have to rush making connections.

Think of your self-satisfaction and comfort with your own peculiarities as an exclusive event only for those who seek you out.

As you grant access to others who invite themselves into your realm, you’ll find yourself happily opening up to them.

You have the ability to be successful on your own so do it. It is always better if you can wait at least for another day before making any final decisions.

During this period you will not be feeling in the greatest of moods and could find it difficult to whip up any kind of enthusiasm for what is to come.

Avoid communicating with strangers to avert disappointment. Difficulties are temporary and are mainly related to your financial status.

Traveling abroad is undesirable, but if the circumstances are pressing do not sit behind the wheel.

Someone will surprise you with news of a happy event related to your personal life. Some deep and careful thought on the subject that concerns you may be of great value now.

Plan your time with accordance to priorities. Chaos and inefficiency are two situations that you need to try and avoid at all costs.

Today’s Quote: “I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life – and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.”

Lucky Numbers: 5, 14, 32, 33, 36, 39

Daily Compatibility: Aries

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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