The Moon settles into your health and work sector very early today, dear Sagittarius. While it’s only for two days, it’s a fine time of the lunar month to get cracking on duties, chores, work, or health routines.

This can be particularly refreshing if you’ve been putting these things off. You want to be useful or productive now, and you can make a serious dent in your “to do” list.

You’ll find it easy, much of the day, to tuck away your emotions enough to take care of business, although this can change tonight when you’re quick to react. Also today, there can be news or incoming information about courses and opportunities that are likely to benefit you, so tune in to the rest of the world here and there!

Although you tend to be philosophical in nature, your practical understanding of your world is strong today. If you are currently considering enrolling in an educational program, you’re probably doing it to get ahead rather than to study something purely for the sake of learning.

Anything you undertake at this time is likely done for a calculated reason. You want to distinguish yourself on the job and will log many extra hours to establish your reputation.

Factor in a lot of time, not just today but over the coming days and into the New Year, where you have time to hear yourself think. It was just last week that Saturn wrapped up a three year visit to Sagittarius, the foundation years for a new three decade long Saturn cycle.

That is a lot to process. But fortunately you have Mercury staying behind and as both a smart and intellectually savvy planet and the messenger for the gods, he’s helping you to process what is a case of information overload.

Lucky Numbers: 11, 18, 21, 28, 35, 40

Daily Compatibility: Aries

Today’s Quote: Coach Vince Lombardi said, “The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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