Uranus has just recently left your romance and creativity sector, dear Sagittarius, and has now set up camp in your work and health sector where it will spend most of the next 7-8 years.

This is a long-term influence that will take some time to evolve and unfold. Your romantic life is likely to level out although there can be some destabilizing influences on your working life and daily routines.

It’s a time when sticking to your usual habits or methods fails to satisfy, and thus can be challenging. Rest assured that new, more authentic, ways of expressing yourself through your work will be discovered.

Today, you’re dealing with reasonable, fair, and balanced people, or your unique approach to others brings out their sense of fairness.

Debates, counseling sessions, consultations, brainstorming, and any other interpersonal problem-solving and decision-making can be wonderfully successful now. Personal and social needs blend well today.

The line that separates casual coworkers from social cohorts may be so thin today that it’s hard to see it at all.

What begins as a business meeting might end as an unexpected celebration — not because of your accomplishments, but because a professional relationship jumped to a new level.

It feels good when progress is made on matters that count. It’s even better when lasting friendships are created along the way.

Having the Moon in your relationship sector over the last few days has been critical for Venus, as the planet of love and guardian of your relationships moves into her final two days.

While Venus stays on the Moon moves on to focus on money matters, with a chance to fuel your financial instincts and imagination ahead of Venus’ return to your financial sector over the weekend. On both the relationship and financial fronts, the Moon’s emotional responses are key.

Author John Powell wrote, “Communication works for those who work at it.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 5, 8, 18, 19, 27, 31

Daily Compatibility: Aries

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