Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your privacy sector, dear Sagittarius, and will enter your sign on November 8th, beginning a thirteen-month transit that’s sure to be reinvigorating and fresh.
It comes at an opportune time, too, having recently experienced a Saturn transit that cleared the decks for you.
Now is the time to clear the path for new beginnings, and helping you with this is a Jupiter-Chiron aspect that’s exact today. It’s a powerful time for finding your joy.
You might perform a generous act behind the scenes or anonymously now, and it’s satisfying. It’s also a psychic, intuitive, and visionary time for you.
You have a stronger sense of what you want for yourself in the future and what you may need to leave behind.
There can be a sense that you can learn and grow from addressing and acknowledging your vulnerabilities.
You are vacillating today between needing to socialize and longing to curl up with a book. All you know is that you crave stimulation and don’t want to work too hard to get it now.
Move out of your head and tune into your body. If you feel more like chatting, then seek out a friend who’s a worthy conversationalist.
But if you’re more sluggish, you can escape by lapping up wisdom from a nearby reliable source. Just remember, the further you stretch, the more you learn.
Of all the major cosmic shifts taking place over the coming weeks, the most urgency is what is happening in an adventurous part of your chart.
For the last 18 months, the North Node’s position in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery has kept the spirit of adventure alive, no matter how busy life became.
Yet leaving next week and with no planetary activity here until mid 2019, the Moon’s final hours are begging to be embraced.
No matter how busy you are, make time for today’s adventurous lunar vibes.
Today’s Quote: “Sometimes life doesn’t give you something you want, not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve more.”
Lucky Numbers: 29, 37, 40, 42, 43, 48
Daily Compatibility: Libra
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Excellent
Business: Good