A Sun-Pluto challenge today can pull up buried frustration in disruptive ways, dear Sagittarius, but this can put you in the right frame of mind to sort things out.

Tame the inclination to dwell on the negative elements of your life unless you’re ready to do something about problem areas. If you’re far too attached to your methods, you may experience friction with others now.

You or someone close to you may feel a little threatened by potential changes, which can be a natural reaction, but talking things through can help settle your minds.

With Sun-Pluto active today, it’s best to ask ourselves whether we’re pushing for the truth or just power-tripping! Make plans to improve your life rather than dwell on past mistakes.

A Mercury-Saturn aspect, also active today, helps with self-discipline and concentration.

Focus on tidying up and organizing your life so that you can put an end to guilty feelings. Money matters or taking special care of valuables can figure strongly now.

The past can be a good predictor of a future outcome. “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it,” rings like a mantra today.

A recent disruption or frustration could raise the temptation to do something radically different. But with straightforward self-inspection of your motives, that’s bound to look a lot like overcompensation.

There’s virtually no sound reason to abandon a tried-and-true method. It just makes sense to go with what you know will work. Playing it safe now saves you from regret later.

After just 12 days in your relationship sector Juno, queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships turns retrograde today and begins her trek back out.

This is just a short 24 day visit, half spent in direct motion and the second half in retrograde motion.

Yet this is a short and valuable crash course in establishing what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. And the timing couldn’t be better, with Mars on a mission to smash through communication barriers.

Today’s Quote: “Once you’ve accepted your flaws no one can use them against you.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 4, 29, 35, 39, 49

Daily Compatibility: Aries

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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