There is some inclination toward restlessness today, dear Sagittarius, and you may need to monitor it since you or someone around you could be blowing an observation or matter out of proportion, leading to unnecessary stress.
Optimism can trip you up right now if it blinds you to practical elements. Your confidence radiates, and it could very well attract good things to you, as long as you control the tendency to go over the top.
Also today, your need for security and safety can compete with your desire for personal freedom. Helping you to manage expectations is a Mars-Saturn influence.
This aspect is a protective one and revolves around money, home, and family. You feel realistically confident and on top of things.
Responsibilities are more easily met. Getting serious about your finances can be beneficial and in focus, and thinking about long-term purchases, work projects, or investments can figure strongly.
Getting in touch with your inner child involves more than just goofing off and turning away from your current responsibilities.
It’s also about remembering that feeling of possibility—the feeling that anything can happen and that you can be anything you want to be—and bringing it back into your everyday life.
There’s no point in obeying self-imposed limits anymore. Do what you want to do today—you will be a success!
You are right in the middle of a three day alignment between Mars in your work and Saturn in your income sector. This is the first time that they have come together like this in three decades, but what this is igniting, has the kind of staying power not seen before.
Mars might leave your work sector later in the month, but Uranus is in the first full week of a seven year visit, while Saturn is in your income sector until December 2020.
Today is more about waking up to the fact that, across the income and job fronts, you really do have the power to move mountains if you have to.
Today’s Quote: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Lucky Numbers: 5, 15, 17, 23, 44, 49
Daily Compatibility: Libra
Creativity: Good
Love: Fair
Business: Good