Some lack of organization can get in the way of your pursuits today, dear Sagittarius, and you may need to adjust to interruptions and distractions.

It’s not easy to see eye to eye with others right now. Issues of a personal nature may not be well-received with Venus in your privacy sector forming a square to Mars in your house of communications.

Keeping things light or business-minded is probably best. However, there can be some inner frustration or angst experienced now that can be hard to ignore.

There could be clashes if you, or the people around you, are succumbing to impatience with satisfying their desires.

Sensitivity to feelings is not natural just for now. You may later regret hasty actions or words, particularly in love relationships.

You prefer to remain unseen and undisturbed by others today. Whether it is a passion project or sweet relaxation that’s so engaging, you’re most content when fully engulfed in doing your own thing.

However, you may eventually find that you’re more inclined to tiptoe or waltz back into visibility in the evening hours.

Everything can happen quite suddenly if you’re coaxed by delicious food or good love. Nevertheless, you can’t replace the emotional satisfaction you receive from being in good company.

You may find it hard to focus today, which might create a logistical challenge, but is not a problem.

With the Moon not only moving through a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart but aligning with a host of planets here, your thoughts, imagination and intuition will be working overtime.

It is when you don’t schedule time to hear yourself think or to escape into your daydreams, that you will find it hard to focus. Very few of us are able to spend the day navel gazing, so schedule time when you can.


Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 9, 11, 27, 43

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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