Hanging on to hibernation? Part of you is craving coziness and a good excuse to stay hunkered at home base for the first three weeks of the month.
Although worldly Jupiter (your ruler) is in your sign until December, the last part of winter is when Sags always tuck in for some “hygge” vibes. And you’ve got permission to nest and rest through March 20, while the Sun visits Pisces and your domestic fourth house.
Pause from your adventures for self-care and nurturing, whether you spend time with loved ones or catch up on creative DIY projects. Are you home-hunting or in the mood for a decor refresh? The March 6 Pisces new moon could send you straight to the real estate listings—or on an obsessive Pinterest spree.
But don’t rush to uproot yourself just yet. From March 5 to 28, communication planet Mercury is retrograde in Pisces, which can scramble signals and cause misunderstandings to flare. Tension could skyrocket under your roof, and Mercury can ignite friction with a female relative (mama drama alert!).
Since Mercury rules technology and devices, one of your home appliances could go on the fritz. If you get bitten by the interior design bug, collect samples and swatches before you paint the whole dining room ochre or start hanging wallpaper.
That said, Mercury retrograde can be a nice time to reconnect with the past. Break out the old family photos: This period could bring nostalgic reunions and whimsical trips down memory lane. Just avoid triggering topics if you visit loved ones. Heading out of town? Plan ahead for possible retrograde-related travel snags. And make sure you get enough rest and downtime since your moods could fluctuate, leading to knee-jerk reactions.
There’s more seismic change ahead this month because on March 6, changemaker Uranus will start a seven-year journey through Taurus and your sixth house of health, fitness and organization.
Between now and April 2026, you could radically revamp your eating habits, exercise and lifestyle. Spontaneous Sagittarians feel suffocated by too much structure. But shock jock Uranus may deliver the biggest surprise of all when YOU suddenly crave a simple plan. With erratic Uranus in this analytical, anxious zone, stress management is going to be a huge thing for you.
This cycle gets off to a rip-roaring start because energizer Mars is also in Taurus until March 31, a biannual visit that can inspire you to whip your life into fighting shape. Book those checkups and make a date with a personal trainer.
And be open to radical changes if that’s what is called for now. Sagittarius is an active and outdoorsy sign, and with pioneering Uranus in your nature-loving sixth house, you could become an outspoken activist around issues like climate change, clean water or biodynamic farming.
With tech-savvy Uranus in your sixth house of employees and systems, you could make use of virtual assistants and apps to keep things running efficiently.
Productivity hacks will become a new obsession, and you could dive into upleveling your digital IQ. Uranus was briefly here from May 15 to November 6, 2018, for a preview stint. Look back to events from last year: Did you change your lifestyle or work habits in some significant way?
You’re ready for a little order in your court because since March 2011, Uranus has been blazing through Aries and your fifth house of drama, creativity and passion. While it’s been spicy and filled with adventure, you might also feel depleted!
Many Sagittarians had to learn important lessons about detaching from their emotions, especially anger, instead of flying off the handle over every little thing. Your love life may have been through a series of ups and downs as liberated Uranus made you crave breathing room. A partner might have acted erratically or unreliably, forcing you to get real about your needs (with them AND yourself!).
Uranus won’t return to Aries again in this lifetime—until next century. Reflect on what you’ve learned about self-expression and love over the past eight years. Are you honoring your authentic voice?
Have you become more comfortable and confident in the spotlight? As the planet of originality, Uranus in Aries taught you to “do you” instead of trying to fit the mold—and to embrace what makes you unique.
Still, it’s been a little bit exhausting, and you may be glad to see Uranus move on. But just because you’re done with this Uranian intensity doesn’t mean things will get boring. In fact, your spring awakening arrives with a jolt on March 20.
Not only does the Sun start its monthlong visit to Aries and your passionate, playful fifth house (zing!), but two more cosmic events serve up energy-boosting inspiration. The first of two consecutive Libra full moons beams into your eleventh house of teamwork, technology and cutting-edge collaborations on March 20, giving you something to celebrate.
This one, the last of 2019’s three supermoons, brings a group endeavor to an exciting turning point. If you’ve been figuring out the right way to sync your superpowers, you’ll get a shot of cosmic clarity.
You might decide to part ways with one crew or evaluate whether a friendship is delivering the ROI you expect. Maybe you need to have an open conversation and put it all out there. But no need to completely shut the door here, Sag, because on April 19, the second Libra full moon will arrive, helping you make a more informed decision. Use the March 20 supermoon as a celestial spotlight to help you evaluate Team Sagittarius.
Who are the key players that will keep your life running smoothly, and which roles still need to be filled? How can you move toward a shared goal harmoniously AND make sure everyone’s ideas and needs are respected?
Luckily, you’ll have piercing insight at your disposal because March 20 also serves up a galvanizing trine between assertive Mars and penetrating Pluto in the most practical parts of your chart.
With motivated Mars in your get-‘er-done sixth house and alchemical Pluto in your work and money house, you’ll be able to craft a strategic plan for success…and move on it! This fast-acting trine will catapult you from idea to action.
With power-player Pluto drawing you into the upper echelons, you could attract influential supporters to your project. Slip behind those velvet ropes, Sag, and be ready with a straight-to-the-point pitch or plan.
With the charismatic Sun in Aries and your dynamic fifth house, you can position yourself as a passionate and inspiring thought leader. Grab their attention and prepare to captivate!