Have you considered getting a pet of your own? It’s possible that a sweet little puppy or cat may come into your life right now and express an interest in staying with you, Scorpio, even if you haven’t yet. Don’t allow unimportant factors to stand in the way of your goals. An animal may bring a great deal of happiness into your life right now. Your wellness should continue to improve, despite the fact that your energy may come and go in fits and starts.

Pay a visit to your family doctor in case you feel any uneasiness in your body. Meditation and a nice walk in fresh air will prove beneficial for your health. If you eat any junk food today your stomach may feel upset. Try eating a light breakfast today and include any healthy juice in your diet today. Replace your daily cup of coffee with lemon tea. Go to sleep early tonight listening to some soothing music.

You are going to feel a strong positive energy today. A secret desire may be revealed. You may experience positive changes happening around you and even if you see something negative try to deal with it in a positive way. A call to your best friend will add to the happiness today. You may try to make your relations even stronger with your friends and family. Try to avoid arguments.

“Now when I say let go, I do not mean reject. Because when you let go of something, it will still be there for you when you need it. But because you have stopped clinging you will have freed yourself up to tap into other possibilities – possibilities that can help you deal with this world of accelerating change.”

Lucky Color: Royal Purple

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Alphabet: D

Cosmic tip: Keep working towards yourself.

Tips for singles: Be humble to everyone you meet; love may surprise you.

Tips for couples: Giving space is equally important.

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